Join our Hormone Balancing Session with SuperFoods and Superherbs
November 9 at 2pm to 6 pm
SugarLeaf MEDICard Center Buendia corner Paseo de Roxas
Discover the natural cleansing foods & tonic herbs for your diet. Gently cleanses the liver & colon of harmful toxins and Balance your Hormones
Learn how to make your own probiotic to help
ease digestive problems and constipation for overall health ..
Balance Your Hormones through SuperFoods and SuperHerbs
Bring Power Pack Nutrition into Your System
Do you have any of these signs of toxicity:
- Difficulty reducing weight
- Constipation and irregularity
- Dark circles under the eyes
- Irritability and Mood Swings
- Premenstrual tension
- Headaches, Insomia
- Lack of vitality
- Skin Blemishes
- Inability to digest fats
- Puffy Skin
- Brain Fog and the feeling of being "spaced out"
- Food cravings and late night binge
If so, here's what's happening to your liver RIGHT NOW:
Toxins from the food, air, water and even from our emotions are needed to be processed by the liver. Some of this toxins are unavoidable, but every once in a while you have to cleanse them with the support of a fresh food detox!CLEANSING BEBEFITS
The more
greens people add to their diet,the more enthusiastic and energetic
they get! Reducing the demand on your digestion will boost your physical
and emotional energy! When your body doesn't have to process heavy foods and toxins, you feel energetic and invigorated!


Within just several days of being on a cleansing phase, you'll notice a big difference in your skin
and youthful complexion!! Introducing more greens in the diet has
an immediate and noticeable difference on the puffiness of your skin!

Moving to a fresh
food diet will dramatically improve your digestion and elimination!
You'll feel better because you're digesting better. What's going on in
the gut affects every part of your overall health and well-being!

You'll feel less irritable, more
interested in spending time with others and less "on the edge of your
nerves" because your body is feeling rested and peaceful right down to
your cells!

Maintaining a Healthy Diet and Lifestyle

It's one thing to cleanse, it's another to be able to maintain healthy habits. We will show you how to create a healthy lifestyle that is just right for you ...
Menu :
Happy Hormone Smoothie with Chaga
Vegetable “Ho Sho Wu” Carpacio with Sprouts
Choco Chaste Berry Cheese Cake
With ample samplings for all dishes
P 2,000 per person
P 1,700 for early Deposit
For Reservation :
Text us at (0919) 2127190
To avail of Great Discounts ... Email us at for details.
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P 2,000 per person
P 1,700 for early Deposit
For Reservation :
Text us at (0919) 2127190
To avail of Great Discounts ... Email us at for details.
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I. Chaste Berry Extract
II. Shatavari – Female Fertility Herb

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) in Sanskrit means “she who possesses a hundred husbands”. It is one of the most powerful rejuvenating herbs in Ayurvedic medicine, and is commonly used in India for conditions affecting the female reproductive system, including the mood swings and irritation associated with premenstrual syndrome, as well as menopausal hot flashes.
Shatavari is a climbing shrub that grows to a height of between one and three meters. The part used for medicinal purposes is its roots. With the main constituents like saponins, alkaloids, proteins, quercitin, rutin and hyperoside, an isoflavone and tannins, Shatavari supports female hormonal balance, fertility and vitality. Aptly called the Indian Asparagus, this herb is not only a rejuvenative for the female but also is a cleanser, antispasmodic, tonic, antacid, diuretic and more.
Medicinal Uses of Shatavari for Women
Shatavari contains phyto estrogens, the precursors of estrogen and, thus is a herb dear to women.
Shatavari contains phyto estrogens, the precursors of estrogen and, thus is a herb dear to women.
- It nourishes the female reproductive system
- Plays an important role in balancing the hormones.
- Is beneficial in Hirsutism.
- Treats leucorrhea
- Increases the libido
- Regulates PMS related symptoms like bloating, cramps, fluid retention and so on
- Tones the breast muscles and the uterus
- Controls blood loss during menstruation and regulates ovulation
- Prepares the womb for conception and reduced the chance of miscarriage
- Being a galactagogue, it promotes lactation in women
- In menopausal women, it relieves of hot flashes and other problems
- A natural coolant, it regulates Pitta Dosha.
- Counteracts the negative effects of stress.
- Also helps as an anti aging herb and an immuno booster.
- It can help to increase the White Blood Cell count.
- Shatavari is notorious for weight gain.
- Some may have allergic reaction to this herb.
- Shatavari is not ideal for those with medical conditions like kidney or heart disease.
- Women with estrogen induced conditions should not use Shatavari.
III. Chaga
The Chinese Single This Out as the
"King of Plants"
— And Modern Science Calls it the
Most Powerful Antioxidant Yet Found
It's nearly as hard as wood,
resembles a lump of coal, and has the highest antioxidant value of any
food on earth, as measured by the ORAC scale.
The Japanese call it the "Diamond of the Forest"… the Siberians have bestowed on it the dual accolades of "Gift from God" and the "Mushroom of Immortality"… and the Chinese dub it the "King of Plants" (despite their centuries-long love affair with an amazing number of medicinal plants).
Still, most of us have never heard of it. In fact Chaga is a non-toxic, medicinal mushroom with anti-cancer properties. It grows in birch forests in harsh northern latitudes — the kinds of places we associate with freezing to death fast.
In China, Siberia, Finland, Japan, and Poland, ancient and native peoples have long known about the benefits of chaga. Older Asians use it for healthy natural balance. It is thought to support the life force or life energy they call chi. They believe consuming this mushroom extends youthfulness, prolongs life, and enhances immunity.
To get more scientific, chaga (Inonotus obliquus) is unusual among mushrooms. Instead of gills or caps, the chaga has pores. And inside, it's a brownish-yellow cork-like mass with beige veins. Its use has been documented in the oldest surviving official list of medicinal substances — the Chinese book Sennong Ben Cao Jing, which is 2300 years old.
Call it folk medicine or traditional medicine if you will, but modern science suggests the ancients were on to an amazing secret.
The Japanese call it the "Diamond of the Forest"… the Siberians have bestowed on it the dual accolades of "Gift from God" and the "Mushroom of Immortality"… and the Chinese dub it the "King of Plants" (despite their centuries-long love affair with an amazing number of medicinal plants).
Still, most of us have never heard of it. In fact Chaga is a non-toxic, medicinal mushroom with anti-cancer properties. It grows in birch forests in harsh northern latitudes — the kinds of places we associate with freezing to death fast.
In China, Siberia, Finland, Japan, and Poland, ancient and native peoples have long known about the benefits of chaga. Older Asians use it for healthy natural balance. It is thought to support the life force or life energy they call chi. They believe consuming this mushroom extends youthfulness, prolongs life, and enhances immunity.
To get more scientific, chaga (Inonotus obliquus) is unusual among mushrooms. Instead of gills or caps, the chaga has pores. And inside, it's a brownish-yellow cork-like mass with beige veins. Its use has been documented in the oldest surviving official list of medicinal substances — the Chinese book Sennong Ben Cao Jing, which is 2300 years old.
Call it folk medicine or traditional medicine if you will, but modern science suggests the ancients were on to an amazing secret.
A wealth of phytonutrients in one food
Chaga's potency may be directly
linked to the harshness of the climate it grows in. Some people believe
its properties arise from the trees it grows on, mostly birch. Researchers have even inoculated sick trees with it, to make them healthy again. So what might it be able to do for you?
Chaga is a dense powerhouse of 215 potent phytonutrients — including B vitamins, flavonoids, phenols, minerals, and enzymes. It contains one of the world's densest sources of pantothenic acid, and high amounts of riboflavin and niacin. Pantothenic acid is especially useful for supporting your adrenal glands and digestive organs. It is also rich in a set of phenolic compounds called chromogenic protect your tissues and skin. And it's only found in chaga. It is especially high in copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc & iron.
One of the biggest claims made for chaga is that it's rich in a special substance called superoxide dismutase (SOD), which is available from very few sources. SOD is a very potent enzyme that can stop oxidation in its tracks — especially the most dangerous type of free radical, called singlet oxygen, that causes rapid aging. (This is the same oxygen that makes nails rusty.) Your body can make its own SOD — but by about the age of 30 your own levels may drop substantially. Chaga contains extremely high levels of SOD (about 10,000 to 20,000 active SOD units per gram). Generally, SOD taken by mouth is destroyed by stomach acid and the nutrient doesn't make it into the blood and tissues, but chaga's advocates believe the mushroom does deliver SOD to the body. Besides SOD, chaga is the richest known source of polysaccharides, botulin and betulinic acid — and delivers them in a whole-food, bioavailable form.
Chaga is a dense powerhouse of 215 potent phytonutrients — including B vitamins, flavonoids, phenols, minerals, and enzymes. It contains one of the world's densest sources of pantothenic acid, and high amounts of riboflavin and niacin. Pantothenic acid is especially useful for supporting your adrenal glands and digestive organs. It is also rich in a set of phenolic compounds called chromogenic protect your tissues and skin. And it's only found in chaga. It is especially high in copper, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc & iron.
One of the biggest claims made for chaga is that it's rich in a special substance called superoxide dismutase (SOD), which is available from very few sources. SOD is a very potent enzyme that can stop oxidation in its tracks — especially the most dangerous type of free radical, called singlet oxygen, that causes rapid aging. (This is the same oxygen that makes nails rusty.) Your body can make its own SOD — but by about the age of 30 your own levels may drop substantially. Chaga contains extremely high levels of SOD (about 10,000 to 20,000 active SOD units per gram). Generally, SOD taken by mouth is destroyed by stomach acid and the nutrient doesn't make it into the blood and tissues, but chaga's advocates believe the mushroom does deliver SOD to the body. Besides SOD, chaga is the richest known source of polysaccharides, botulin and betulinic acid — and delivers them in a whole-food, bioavailable form.
The Soviets declared chaga a national secret
Nobel laureate Alexander Solzhenitzyn is credited with informing the West about the health benefits of chaga in his book The Cancer Ward — where his character in the novel took it and was cured. In the 1950s, chaga was endorsed by Moscow's Medical Academy of
Science, and was widely used by their public. During these years, 1,200
of their most prominent scientists conducted more than 3,000 experiments
involving 500,000 people to study the effects of adaptogens.
An adaptogen is a substance that has the ability to reduce your body's negative response to stress. Many studies suggest that up to 80 percent of ALL diseases have a root link to stress. So adaptogens can be critical to your health. The findings from the Soviet research became a protected national secret for 40 years… one of the secrets behind the physical strength and power of people fortunate enough to get chaga, including cosmonauts and other members of the Soviet elite. Russia fed its elite athletes chaga. And they were famously dominant in international competitions for decades.
An adaptogen is a substance that has the ability to reduce your body's negative response to stress. Many studies suggest that up to 80 percent of ALL diseases have a root link to stress. So adaptogens can be critical to your health. The findings from the Soviet research became a protected national secret for 40 years… one of the secrets behind the physical strength and power of people fortunate enough to get chaga, including cosmonauts and other members of the Soviet elite. Russia fed its elite athletes chaga. And they were famously dominant in international competitions for decades.
A secret of Chinese longevity
Chaga is a health food that can support your entire system. The ancient Chinese held that it was a longevity factor. That's why they consider it the most complete of all foods. In much of Siberia, Russia, and Eastern Europe it's considered an
essential daily beverage, said to add years to lives of those who use
Many Japanese and Koreans reportedly prefer chaga to tea and coffee, because of its cleansing and adaptogenic factors. Some people describe its flavor as between tea and coffee.
Many Japanese and Koreans reportedly prefer chaga to tea and coffee, because of its cleansing and adaptogenic factors. Some people describe its flavor as between tea and coffee.
Protects against and kills cancer
Chaga is a natural cancer fighter —
possibly thanks to betulinic acid. It prevents cancer from developing,
and kills cancer cells without collateral damage to your healthy cells. It is thought to work by indirectly activating various immune responses to cancer in your body that help kill cancer cells.
Chaga is also rich in beta glucans, which help support your immune system. Beta glucans allow your immune cells to identify cancer cells and deformed cells as "non-self".1 This enables the immune cells to go on the attack against them. Under normal circumstances, cancer cells are coated with a protein that masks them to immune cells, so the immune system has trouble identifying them.Chaga is known to help protect against prostate, breast, ovarian, cervical, lung, stomach, spleen, brain and thymus cancers… and also leukemia, melanoma, and lymphoma. I'd call it an all-around cancer preventative.
Research in Seoul, South Korea found that chaga protects your cells from DNA mutations in the face of oxidative stress. In fact, chaga-treated cells experienced a whopping 40 percent reduction of DNA mutation, versus untreated cells. The Japanese discovered that chaga offers higher levels of cell-protective antioxidants than other medicinal mushrooms in their study.
That's not to say you shouldn't eat a variety of medicinal mushrooms. You can discover more about the health benefits of beta glucans. So you probably know, radiation exposure can do irreparable DNA damage. But some research indicates that chaga can reduce radiation-related toxicity.
Chaga is also rich in beta glucans, which help support your immune system. Beta glucans allow your immune cells to identify cancer cells and deformed cells as "non-self".1 This enables the immune cells to go on the attack against them. Under normal circumstances, cancer cells are coated with a protein that masks them to immune cells, so the immune system has trouble identifying them.Chaga is known to help protect against prostate, breast, ovarian, cervical, lung, stomach, spleen, brain and thymus cancers… and also leukemia, melanoma, and lymphoma. I'd call it an all-around cancer preventative.
Research in Seoul, South Korea found that chaga protects your cells from DNA mutations in the face of oxidative stress. In fact, chaga-treated cells experienced a whopping 40 percent reduction of DNA mutation, versus untreated cells. The Japanese discovered that chaga offers higher levels of cell-protective antioxidants than other medicinal mushrooms in their study.
That's not to say you shouldn't eat a variety of medicinal mushrooms. You can discover more about the health benefits of beta glucans. So you probably know, radiation exposure can do irreparable DNA damage. But some research indicates that chaga can reduce radiation-related toxicity.
Most powerful antioxidant known
The chaga mushroom sits high atop
first place on the ORAC scale, a measure of antioxidant levels in your
food. Goji berries aren't even close to chaga, yet they get more
attention. Besides being an antioxidant, chaga is known for its anti-cancer, anti-viral, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties.
There's one other benefit for you, if you're insulin resistant or have type 2 diabetes… Chaga can help normalize your metabolism, which can provide a cascade of other health benefits.
There's one other benefit for you, if you're insulin resistant or have type 2 diabetes… Chaga can help normalize your metabolism, which can provide a cascade of other health benefits.
Two warnings before you use chaga
Chaga has been used without problems for thousands of years.But given today's culture where millions are on pharmaceutical
drugs, you should be aware of two possible drug interactions. If you're
not on these drugs, everything we've found suggests clear sailing.
- Chaga magnifies the effects of anti-clotting drugs like aspirin and warfarin (so-called blood thinners). So if you're on those, consult with your doctor before using chaga. A wide range of supplements are blood thinners, including fish oil and digestive enzymes, so this is not a big deal. If your doctor is cooperative, he should be willing to let you reduce or possibly even eliminate the pharmaceutical blood thinner because the natural supplement will do the job.
- Chaga also interacts with diabetes medications like insulin. It thereby raises your risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), and could send your blood sugar levels into free fall.
IV. Magnesium

During The Last Forty Years, Thousands of Studies and Research
Documents Have Been Published Proving That Magnesium Is A
Nutrient Supporting
More Than 300 Functions In Your Body!
Medical Professionals Discuss Magnesium...

"Two-thirds of people with diabetes die of some form of heart disease, and low magnesium levels are associated with both diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It is evident that low magnesium is linked with these chronic illnesses and death."

"I feel we could do more for the health of the world by raising magnesium and DHEA levels than anything else we can imagine. We all should be using the simplest, safest way of getting our intracellular magnesium to a normal range."
You May Already Know That Magnesium Plays Several Major Roles
In Your Body. When Magnesium Levels Are Lower Than Normal,
This Dynamically Affects Sugar Balance, Blood Pressure, Cognitive
Ability, Metabolism, Bone Density, And Flexibility, Just To Name A
That's Why So Many People Take Magnesium To Supplement Their Diet.
You Will Be Surprised To Find Out,
The Vast Majority
Of Magnesium Supplements,
Not Only Fail To Deliver The Results You Want,
Many Of These Products,
Are Actually
Harmful To Your Health!
Discover For Yourself, The 'Only' Magnesium That Is Perfectly Compatible And Safe For Your Body!
From: Ian Clark
RE: The Perfect Magnesium Product.
Dear Health Conscious Friend,
What I'm about to reveal to you is so potent, so powerful, so perfect; you may be shocked to find out what is really going on with magnesium supplementation, and how you can personally overcome this.

This is an atrocity! Magnesium is so important for maintaining excellent health and avoiding serious diseases. How could anyone even think about cheating when it comes to one of the most important nutrients your body needs every day?
Our passion for magnesium came from many years of detailed study. What we learned about magnesium created so much excitement that we set out to make the perfect magnesium product!
Even though we have access to any magnesium we want, our research led us to the most valuable, completely pure, magnesium that works perfectly in the human body!
How To Tell The Difference Between A 'Pure' Magnesium Product vs. Contaminated Magnesium Supplements
Following five years of analysis and market studies, we have created the following charts which reveal the actual realities of the magnesium supplement business.Extensive studies revealed that magnesium supplements have little to no beneficial effect, and are proven to be harmful in many ways when ingested orally.
Based on these studies, we created a perfect solution that ensures the daily required magnesium, in it's purest form, is being supplied to every cell in your body with ZERO side effects.
How Do I Know If I Am Magnesium Deficient?
Take A Self-Checkup To See For Yourself!
Here Is A List Of Common Symptoms Indicating 'Magnesium Deficiency'
Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency | Never | Sometimes | Often | All The Time |
Being Irritable or Anxious | ||||
Feeling Lethargic or Run Down | ||||
Having Short Term Memory Gaps | ||||
Less Cognitive Function Than Normal | ||||
Poor Digestion | ||||
Occasional Muscular Weakness | ||||
Annoying Muscle Spasms | ||||
Painful Muscle Cramps | ||||
Periodic Muscle Twitching | ||||
Often Tired After A Meal | ||||
Unable to Get Into A Deep Sleep | ||||
Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency | Never | Sometimes | Often | All The Time |
Irregular Heart Beat | ||||
Easily Depressed | ||||
Getting Migraines or Cluster Headaches | ||||
Low Bone Density Issues | ||||
If you are a Woman - Painful Menstrual Cramps | ||||
If you are a Pregnant Woman - Morning Sickness | ||||
Chest Pain Or Signs Of Angina | ||||
High Blood Pressure | ||||
Blood Sugar Imbalances | ||||
Breathing Difficulties or Asthma |
If You Have Even 'One Or More' Of These Symptoms,
Your Body is Crying For Magnesium.
How To Easily Top Up Your Magnesium Reserves Quickly - And Start Feeling It The First Day!
What are your first steps to filling up your magnesium reserves, and keeping them there for the rest of your life?
#1 After a bath or shower, spray Magnesium Infusion™ on your chest, shoulders, arms and legs. Gently massaging it in as you go.
#2 You can do this as many times a day as you like, and it's wonderful right before you go to bed to give you a deep rest.
#3 You can use it on your teeth to support healthy enamel, and reduce unfriendly bacteria.
#4 You can spray it on your hands and apply it to your face (Making sure you avoid your eyes), supporting a healthy glow.
#5 Enjoy using it to enhance a foot massage or general massage (avoiding sensitive spots).
#6 Can be used to quickly cauterize and sterilize a cut, but be aware it will sting when you use it for this purpose.
#7 Rub it in to any aches, pains, stiff muscles or joints and enjoy the fast relief.
#2 You can do this as many times a day as you like, and it's wonderful right before you go to bed to give you a deep rest.
#3 You can use it on your teeth to support healthy enamel, and reduce unfriendly bacteria.
#4 You can spray it on your hands and apply it to your face (Making sure you avoid your eyes), supporting a healthy glow.
#5 Enjoy using it to enhance a foot massage or general massage (avoiding sensitive spots).
#6 Can be used to quickly cauterize and sterilize a cut, but be aware it will sting when you use it for this purpose.
#7 Rub it in to any aches, pains, stiff muscles or joints and enjoy the fast relief.
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